As I mentioned in my last post I am an adult woman diagnosed with Aspergers. I am considered by the psychologist who diagnosed me to have a high functioning form.
I was not diagnosed until 15 but when looking at the symptoms of Aspergers have probably had it my whole life. I was diagnosed with a Sensory Integration Dysfunction when I was a young toddler. I went through alot of therapy for the sensory issues as a toddler and child.
Aspergers tends to have alot of symptoms based on social issues. I dealt with alot of the social symptoms such as not being able to distinguish facial cues, avoiding eye contact, and wanting to have alot of one sided conversations about something I loved alot as a child. To this day I would say I still have some of those issues but have learned to control them more.
Another common symptom in Aspergers as a child is a dislike in the change of a routine. To this day I have trouble with that one. I can handle change more now but I don't like major changes as much.
A third symptom is delayed motor development. My mother will tell me to this day about how I was a few months behind in some of my motor development as a toddler, and as a teenager I never did well in gym or sports in school, although I was in marching band.
As I approached my teen years I believe I was more aware of being different but unsure of why. This led to some depression and upset. I tried so much harder to fit into the "norm." I wanted so bad to have more friends and sometimes tried to hard to make them. I did however have a few good friends in high school.
I became, from the time I was diagnosed at 15, what I would call a "hidden aspie" I wanted nothing to do with the diagnosis. I was really upset when my mother chose to put it in my paperwork at school because I didn't want it known. I tried very hard to hide it from my friends etc. Even as a young adult I became more aware of it but still tried to hide it. It later led to some depression and anxiety.
Today I am happily married and have a family and I will not say that I don't struggle with certain situations still and that I am still not somewhat shy, but I have begun to tell more and more people my story in hopes that it can help others. I have realized that it is not something to be ashamed of, it is just a part of me and I just have to be a little different, but who is completely normal really?
I am just here to tell you that whether diagnosed as a child or later on you can live a normal life, you can have a job, get married, have a family, and live the life you want to have. Just don't be afraid to share with others so that they can better understand you!