Thursday, September 20
Thankful Thursday: Thankful To Be Me
I know it has been awhile since I have written on the blog regularly and I plan to get going on it more again soon! But for now here is another Thankful Thursday!
Today I am just thankful to be me! I am thankful that God gave me the life he did Asperger's or not! I believe he allowed me to have aspergers just to be who I am! It takes alot to be thankful for it and I am not all the time but I know I need to be! I need to know that even though there are parts of it that are tough it molds me to who I am supposed to be!
I am also thankful that I have found people (friends) who have accepted me for who I am and try their best to understand me! One of these people recently is a sweet lady named Pam, so I want to use this post to thank her for being a wonderful person. She and many others have just been here no matter how I am feeling. (Go ahead and give her some blog love at her blog).
I hope you are thankful this week too! Go ahead and leave a comment!
Thursday, September 6
Thankful Thursday
I have seen this idea and different link ups for it on some asperger blogs and other blogs although I haven't found one to link up to yet I thought I would give it a try. I will post 5 things I am thankful for today!
This week I have a few things I am thankful for:
1. I am thankful for the blessing to be a stay at home mom to our beautiful daughter and for my husband who works hard for us so that I can!
2. I am thankful for a beautiful family who although we have our rough spots we stick together!
3. I am thankful for a daughter who understands when mommy is having a rough day and doesn't hold it against her! She makes me feel loved no matter what!
4. I am thankful for friends who give me advice when I am in much need of it and are there to listen!
5. I am thankful for the business opportunity I have been given in order to help us out even more and still stay at home!
6. (a bonus) I am thankful to just be alive by God's grace!
What are you thankful for? Leave me a comment below
This week I have a few things I am thankful for:
1. I am thankful for the blessing to be a stay at home mom to our beautiful daughter and for my husband who works hard for us so that I can!
2. I am thankful for a beautiful family who although we have our rough spots we stick together!
3. I am thankful for a daughter who understands when mommy is having a rough day and doesn't hold it against her! She makes me feel loved no matter what!
4. I am thankful for friends who give me advice when I am in much need of it and are there to listen!
5. I am thankful for the business opportunity I have been given in order to help us out even more and still stay at home!
6. (a bonus) I am thankful to just be alive by God's grace!
What are you thankful for? Leave me a comment below
Friday, August 31
Definition of Aspergers
I came across this image in a few different places recently and I think it nails some of what many with Aspergers including myself may go through at times! I think this is great for people who don't quite understand they symptoms of Aspergers!
Wednesday, August 29
The Battle of the Aspies Mind
I know what I want, I know how to get it, but I can't! I can't become brave enough to ask, or I am worried that the answer will not be what I want and I can't handle the disappointment. I know how to make friends, but I don't want to initiate the conversation. I spend time wondering what people are thinking about me. Do I come on as being too overbearing or too shy? I want to know what they are really thinking. I question myself, am I being a good mother? Are there other mother's who are better? That mom over there seems to know exactly what to do why don't I?
This is the battle I face on a daily basis (among others). Wondering if I fit in or if I am good enough. If you were to talk to my husband he would tell you that I sometimes fall into a total emotional state when a question he asks makes me even think he doesn't feel as though what I am doing is right, even if that is not what he is saying at all!
One thing that was always hard as a teenager was knowing that I was different, knowing how one should act, but having no idea how to reach that place! Wondering why I was this way at all! I even found myself in a bout of both depression and anxiety at the same time! I wanted to be "normal" and was at a loss on how to be there.
I cannot say that I don't still try and figure that out at times. Just ask my husband he deals with my meltdowns when I think that something I am doing or have done is not good enough.
So that is the battle in my mind, the fear of the unknown, the fear of how others perceive me and the fear of wondering if I am good enough! I have to daily tell myself "you are doing just fine and you are a wonderful person who is the way you are because God made you that way for a purpose" I also have family and friends to thank for making me realize everything is just fine and my daughter and her wonderful kisses and "mommy I love you" to make me realize I am a wonderful mother!
This is the battle I face on a daily basis (among others). Wondering if I fit in or if I am good enough. If you were to talk to my husband he would tell you that I sometimes fall into a total emotional state when a question he asks makes me even think he doesn't feel as though what I am doing is right, even if that is not what he is saying at all!
One thing that was always hard as a teenager was knowing that I was different, knowing how one should act, but having no idea how to reach that place! Wondering why I was this way at all! I even found myself in a bout of both depression and anxiety at the same time! I wanted to be "normal" and was at a loss on how to be there.
I cannot say that I don't still try and figure that out at times. Just ask my husband he deals with my meltdowns when I think that something I am doing or have done is not good enough.
So that is the battle in my mind, the fear of the unknown, the fear of how others perceive me and the fear of wondering if I am good enough! I have to daily tell myself "you are doing just fine and you are a wonderful person who is the way you are because God made you that way for a purpose" I also have family and friends to thank for making me realize everything is just fine and my daughter and her wonderful kisses and "mommy I love you" to make me realize I am a wonderful mother!
Thursday, August 9
Autism Did Not Stop Stephen Wiltshire
People on the autism spectrum have many quirks you might call them. They are usually looked at for their lack of social skills, and some their lack or delay of speech. We however, do not always take a look at the positives of being autistic. Many who are deemed autistic have a talent or a hobby they are obsessed with and some very talented at. Many times people will look at them and say "they must have been born doing that" You will usually see alot of talented artists, musicians, etc.
One such example is architectural artist Stephen Wiltshire. I came across this name on facebook by a viral picture of a panoramic photo he did of New York City after supposedly just 20 minutes on a helicopter. He also has done this with one of Tokyo.
One such example is architectural artist Stephen Wiltshire. I came across this name on facebook by a viral picture of a panoramic photo he did of New York City after supposedly just 20 minutes on a helicopter. He also has done this with one of Tokyo.
Stephen Wiltshire working on aerial drawing of Tokyo after a 20 minute helicopter ride! |
Autistics/Aspies have an amazing life to live and can live a very fulfilling life with something to give us all!
Thursday, August 2
"Parenthood" A Review
I started thinking how hard is it for a parent who has a child on the autism spectrum? I myself cannot answer that as so far my only child has not had any concerns. I have only seen autism (or aspergers) from the side of being the child not from the side of being the parent.
My parent's didn't find out about aspergers or the fact that that was what I had been dealing with all my life until I was 15. I would say they weren't happy but they weren't upset either...I think it was an an answer for my mom, she finally understood all the frustration and worry she had gone through from the time I was 6 months old.
So recently on Netflix (since we don't have cable) I started watching "Parenthood" I have never seen any episodes in the past but thought I would take a look at it. It is a show about a large family of siblings who most are parents. It goes through the up's and down's of teenagers, being a working mom, etc. However, there was one part of the show that drew me in. One of the boy's (Max) in the show is diagnosed with aspergers. I am not sure they do a perfect portrayl of Aspergers (especially since all children with it are different) but they do a pretty good job with the symptoms and trials one with aspergers may have to face. They also portray the fears and worries of the parent's involved.
I don't know exactly how my parent's felt about my diagnosis, I know my dad has somewhat denied it and my mom has somewhat embraced it. It was I am sure difficult for them at times when I was little, especially with no diagnosis, but they embraced me I believe as a child with different needs, who was not different but special!
I believe that that is how we should embrace all children on the Autism Spectrum, not as abnormal or scary, but as a child who just has different needs but leads a very special life.
For more information on the show "Parenthood" click here.
I was not asked or paid to review or give my opinion on this show, it is just a show I like.
My parent's didn't find out about aspergers or the fact that that was what I had been dealing with all my life until I was 15. I would say they weren't happy but they weren't upset either...I think it was an an answer for my mom, she finally understood all the frustration and worry she had gone through from the time I was 6 months old.
So recently on Netflix (since we don't have cable) I started watching "Parenthood" I have never seen any episodes in the past but thought I would take a look at it. It is a show about a large family of siblings who most are parents. It goes through the up's and down's of teenagers, being a working mom, etc. However, there was one part of the show that drew me in. One of the boy's (Max) in the show is diagnosed with aspergers. I am not sure they do a perfect portrayl of Aspergers (especially since all children with it are different) but they do a pretty good job with the symptoms and trials one with aspergers may have to face. They also portray the fears and worries of the parent's involved.
Max on Parenthood |
I don't know exactly how my parent's felt about my diagnosis, I know my dad has somewhat denied it and my mom has somewhat embraced it. It was I am sure difficult for them at times when I was little, especially with no diagnosis, but they embraced me I believe as a child with different needs, who was not different but special!
I believe that that is how we should embrace all children on the Autism Spectrum, not as abnormal or scary, but as a child who just has different needs but leads a very special life.
For more information on the show "Parenthood" click here.
I was not asked or paid to review or give my opinion on this show, it is just a show I like.
Wednesday, August 1
So Behind....Busy Summer!
Since I have been so busy this summer with my husband and daughter, as I am sure you have noticed by the lack of posts! I have decided to summarize my summer so far!
Since my last post we have had a 3rd Birthday for Bekah, which turned out great despite having keys locked into the car trying to get there!
We have had a picture shoot for Bekah by a wonderful friend.
We took a trip to Medora and finally after 4 years saw the Medora Musical again. It was a wonderful show this year and Bekah loved it, she especially loved the horses and the bear, whenever either wasn't on the stage she would ask for them.
We came home from Medora just this past Monday since we were only there for the weekend and I fell and hurt my foot that morning...hence the reason I have time to blog finally again!
How are you enjoying summer? leave a comment below!
Since my last post we have had a 3rd Birthday for Bekah, which turned out great despite having keys locked into the car trying to get there!
We have had a picture shoot for Bekah by a wonderful friend.
We took a trip to Medora and finally after 4 years saw the Medora Musical again. It was a wonderful show this year and Bekah loved it, she especially loved the horses and the bear, whenever either wasn't on the stage she would ask for them.
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Bekah got to see the bear after the show and give him a high five |
We came home from Medora just this past Monday since we were only there for the weekend and I fell and hurt my foot that morning...hence the reason I have time to blog finally again!
How are you enjoying summer? leave a comment below!
Friday, July 6
Family in town
Sorry for the lack of posts, we have had family in town. It is crazy enough that I am writing this on my phone. I have a lot of exciting things to share next week though from a 3 year olds birthday to fun in the sun! So join me next week for more fun!
Monday, June 25
Messy Mommy Jobs: Snack Time
Its Monday again! I can't believe how fast this month is flying by. I have such a busy week ahead with a birthday coming up and lots of work to do to get ready!
I learned in the recent past that when a creative 3 year old is left at the table alone for too long it can become messy!
Bekah recently called me during a snack one time and said "I am cleaning my hands" I responded with "what are you cleaning them with?" and her response was "soap" of course.
I walked over to the table to find this
This is not what one wants to find at the table. Let me tell you that cottage cheese is not easy to clean up either!What kind of messes have you dealt with lately? remember to visit weak and loved to see more messes!
Monday, June 18
A Special Bond
My 3 year old can throw some crazy tantrums sometimes as most 3 year olds can! When I share this with my mom I come to realize that I acted the same way as a child and we both begin to question could she have aspergers?
Since aspergers and autism are still being studied many do not know how genetic it is or if you will pass it on to your kids most of the time...so far my daughter does not show many of the signs of aspergers but could I pass it on to another child also lingers in my mind.
While searching the web today I found an article from the Wausau Daily Herald about the special bond between parents and children on autism specturm. How they seem to form a special bond because they understand each other having gone through it themselves. I guess I can be happy in knowing that if I ever did have a child with Aspergers I will be understanding of them due to my own childhood! I can be at peace knowing that whatever happens I will love my child(ren) unconditionally and will be able to help them along their path! I can be at peace knowing that the worse that could happen is we share a special bond for life!
Since aspergers and autism are still being studied many do not know how genetic it is or if you will pass it on to your kids most of the time...so far my daughter does not show many of the signs of aspergers but could I pass it on to another child also lingers in my mind.
While searching the web today I found an article from the Wausau Daily Herald about the special bond between parents and children on autism specturm. How they seem to form a special bond because they understand each other having gone through it themselves. I guess I can be happy in knowing that if I ever did have a child with Aspergers I will be understanding of them due to my own childhood! I can be at peace knowing that whatever happens I will love my child(ren) unconditionally and will be able to help them along their path! I can be at peace knowing that the worse that could happen is we share a special bond for life!
Thursday, June 14
Spring Cleaning!
So I realized I have been not posting on here as much as I should! But we have been very busy around here getting some much needed cleaning done!
I finally got some new cleaners in that I have been wanting to try for awhile and have been wildly going around the house using them!
I wanted something that would be healthier for Bekah and for us. Also the smell of chemical cleaners kind of bothers me and makes me not want to clean which does no good for the house.
So my mom introduced me to some cleaners called Shaklee! They are Safe For You, Safe for the Environment cleaners!
I love them so far they are super concentrated so just a little bit makes different kinds of cleaners! They say that one bottle of their super concentrated H2 cleaner will make over 5000 bottles of window cleaner alone, and they really are not that hard on the wallet.
So far all the cleaners I have used work great! I used the all purpose cleaner I made up (1/4 tsp of cleaner to 16 oz of water) to dust my black tv stand it is usually dusty within minutes again after I dust it, this time it stayed dust free for a week! I used their dish detergent and did not rinse the dishes before hand and everything came out clean!
I will not say they are perfect or for everyone, but I love them!
I am not writing this because I have been asked to or because I am selling the product, I am only writing this because I love them!
So hopefully I will get more posts up in the days to come but my house is almost clean!
I finally got some new cleaners in that I have been wanting to try for awhile and have been wildly going around the house using them!
I wanted something that would be healthier for Bekah and for us. Also the smell of chemical cleaners kind of bothers me and makes me not want to clean which does no good for the house.
So my mom introduced me to some cleaners called Shaklee! They are Safe For You, Safe for the Environment cleaners!
I love them so far they are super concentrated so just a little bit makes different kinds of cleaners! They say that one bottle of their super concentrated H2 cleaner will make over 5000 bottles of window cleaner alone, and they really are not that hard on the wallet.
So far all the cleaners I have used work great! I used the all purpose cleaner I made up (1/4 tsp of cleaner to 16 oz of water) to dust my black tv stand it is usually dusty within minutes again after I dust it, this time it stayed dust free for a week! I used their dish detergent and did not rinse the dishes before hand and everything came out clean!
I will not say they are perfect or for everyone, but I love them!
I am not writing this because I have been asked to or because I am selling the product, I am only writing this because I love them!
So hopefully I will get more posts up in the days to come but my house is almost clean!
Monday, June 11
Messy Monday: Eating With a 3 Year Old
Here is why:
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This should be fun to clean! |
This is why I think we should sit at the table at all times with her even if we are done eating first!
Have you had any really bad messes this week?
Go ahead and share or see others here www.weakandloved.com
Thursday, June 7
60 Years!
So today is kind of a special day on my side of the family (even though we are not together). You see the two people who I have always looked up to are celebrating 60 years of marriage. Those two people would be my Grandparents. I wish that we could all be there to celebrate their wonderful day!
They have had a wonderful marriage that I strive to have myself with my husband.
So Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa! May you have many more great and blessed years together.
They have had a wonderful marriage that I strive to have myself with my husband.
So Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa! May you have many more great and blessed years together.
Wednesday, June 6
Tuesday, June 5
Are You Coming Over Nana?
Everytime my 3 yr old daughter gets on the phone with her Nana (my mom) who lives half way across the country, this is what she asks her "Are You Coming?" She also asks her Grandma who lives around the corner that too, but of course her Nana has to tell her that she lives too far away and would have to take an airplane. My daughter who has only been on 1 airplane sometimes doesn't understand this totally but enough.
Nana on the other hand worries that my daughter will forget her since she doesn't see her very often. This is an understandable fear and that is why we try hard to talk on the phone and on the occasion use skype so she can video with Nana. Nana has also sent her books with her voice recorded on them etc.
Just this past weekend my daughter told Nana she wanted to come see her on the airplane and then preceded to tell me as though we were leaving right now.
We then have my dad (Grandpa) Who also lives just as far away, but in a different state so this makes it even tougher for my daughter to go see my family.
This I am sure is something alot of families go through.
If you are in this situation what do you do to make sure your kids keep in touch with Grandma or Grandpa?
Nana on the other hand worries that my daughter will forget her since she doesn't see her very often. This is an understandable fear and that is why we try hard to talk on the phone and on the occasion use skype so she can video with Nana. Nana has also sent her books with her voice recorded on them etc.
Just this past weekend my daughter told Nana she wanted to come see her on the airplane and then preceded to tell me as though we were leaving right now.
We then have my dad (Grandpa) Who also lives just as far away, but in a different state so this makes it even tougher for my daughter to go see my family.
This I am sure is something alot of families go through.
If you are in this situation what do you do to make sure your kids keep in touch with Grandma or Grandpa?
Monday, June 4
Messy Monday
If I were to invite you over right now.... well I probably wouldn't! Mondays are always the day when my house looks its worst. My family and I kind of slack when it comes to cleaning during the weekend. So when Monday rolls around I usually have to find my house, which can be a daunting taks because when it gets overwhelming the more I don't want to do it! With a 3 yr old in the picture we can find messes all over, for example just last night I had to clean up puzzle pieces from behind my desk chair to make sure I didn't roll over them!
This is my daughter's reading area, I don't think there is a single book left on the shelf!
I think we have some cleaning ahead of us today!
Saturday, June 2
Mother and Daughter Day!
Saturdays for us are usually either spent at home or with Daddy, but today my husband was called into work and it was a beautiful 81 degrees out so I was not going to sit home all day!
My daughter (Bekah) and I decided to go out for a bit and with some advice from a friend went over to Runnings for a look at the bulls there. Bekah thought they were big pigs but enjoyed watching them laying there for a few minutes. We then decided to go inside for a bit and look around as long as we were there. We went over to the toys and looked for a bit and then we started walking past the tubs with the chicks, Bekah didn't notice them at first until she was walking past and heard tweet, tweet. She looked right down and was so excited to watch them.
After our wonderful time at Runnings we decided it was past lunchtime and time to go find something, so we went to Mcdonalds. We decided to sit by the window while we ate just so we could see out and boy was that a good idea! We saw our first or at least for Bekah first hummingbird and she thought it was the greatest I couldn't pry her away from the window even long after the hummingbird was no longer around.
My daughter (Bekah) and I decided to go out for a bit and with some advice from a friend went over to Runnings for a look at the bulls there. Bekah thought they were big pigs but enjoyed watching them laying there for a few minutes. We then decided to go inside for a bit and look around as long as we were there. We went over to the toys and looked for a bit and then we started walking past the tubs with the chicks, Bekah didn't notice them at first until she was walking past and heard tweet, tweet. She looked right down and was so excited to watch them.
After our wonderful time at Runnings we decided it was past lunchtime and time to go find something, so we went to Mcdonalds. We decided to sit by the window while we ate just so we could see out and boy was that a good idea! We saw our first or at least for Bekah first hummingbird and she thought it was the greatest I couldn't pry her away from the window even long after the hummingbird was no longer around.

Watching the hummingbird at Mcdonalds
All in all it was a fun time with some mother/daughter time out and about and Bekah saw animals she had never seen before!
What did you do today to enjoy it?
What did you do today to enjoy it?
Friday, June 1
Yes I Have Aspergers!
As I mentioned in my last post I am an adult woman diagnosed with Aspergers. I am considered by the psychologist who diagnosed me to have a high functioning form.
I was not diagnosed until 15 but when looking at the symptoms of Aspergers have probably had it my whole life. I was diagnosed with a Sensory Integration Dysfunction when I was a young toddler. I went through alot of therapy for the sensory issues as a toddler and child.
Aspergers tends to have alot of symptoms based on social issues. I dealt with alot of the social symptoms such as not being able to distinguish facial cues, avoiding eye contact, and wanting to have alot of one sided conversations about something I loved alot as a child. To this day I would say I still have some of those issues but have learned to control them more.
Another common symptom in Aspergers as a child is a dislike in the change of a routine. To this day I have trouble with that one. I can handle change more now but I don't like major changes as much.
A third symptom is delayed motor development. My mother will tell me to this day about how I was a few months behind in some of my motor development as a toddler, and as a teenager I never did well in gym or sports in school, although I was in marching band.
As I approached my teen years I believe I was more aware of being different but unsure of why. This led to some depression and upset. I tried so much harder to fit into the "norm." I wanted so bad to have more friends and sometimes tried to hard to make them. I did however have a few good friends in high school.
I became, from the time I was diagnosed at 15, what I would call a "hidden aspie" I wanted nothing to do with the diagnosis. I was really upset when my mother chose to put it in my paperwork at school because I didn't want it known. I tried very hard to hide it from my friends etc. Even as a young adult I became more aware of it but still tried to hide it. It later led to some depression and anxiety.
Today I am happily married and have a family and I will not say that I don't struggle with certain situations still and that I am still not somewhat shy, but I have begun to tell more and more people my story in hopes that it can help others. I have realized that it is not something to be ashamed of, it is just a part of me and I just have to be a little different, but who is completely normal really?
I am just here to tell you that whether diagnosed as a child or later on you can live a normal life, you can have a job, get married, have a family, and live the life you want to have. Just don't be afraid to share with others so that they can better understand you!
I was not diagnosed until 15 but when looking at the symptoms of Aspergers have probably had it my whole life. I was diagnosed with a Sensory Integration Dysfunction when I was a young toddler. I went through alot of therapy for the sensory issues as a toddler and child.
Aspergers tends to have alot of symptoms based on social issues. I dealt with alot of the social symptoms such as not being able to distinguish facial cues, avoiding eye contact, and wanting to have alot of one sided conversations about something I loved alot as a child. To this day I would say I still have some of those issues but have learned to control them more.
Another common symptom in Aspergers as a child is a dislike in the change of a routine. To this day I have trouble with that one. I can handle change more now but I don't like major changes as much.
A third symptom is delayed motor development. My mother will tell me to this day about how I was a few months behind in some of my motor development as a toddler, and as a teenager I never did well in gym or sports in school, although I was in marching band.
As I approached my teen years I believe I was more aware of being different but unsure of why. This led to some depression and upset. I tried so much harder to fit into the "norm." I wanted so bad to have more friends and sometimes tried to hard to make them. I did however have a few good friends in high school.
I became, from the time I was diagnosed at 15, what I would call a "hidden aspie" I wanted nothing to do with the diagnosis. I was really upset when my mother chose to put it in my paperwork at school because I didn't want it known. I tried very hard to hide it from my friends etc. Even as a young adult I became more aware of it but still tried to hide it. It later led to some depression and anxiety.
Today I am happily married and have a family and I will not say that I don't struggle with certain situations still and that I am still not somewhat shy, but I have begun to tell more and more people my story in hopes that it can help others. I have realized that it is not something to be ashamed of, it is just a part of me and I just have to be a little different, but who is completely normal really?
I am just here to tell you that whether diagnosed as a child or later on you can live a normal life, you can have a job, get married, have a family, and live the life you want to have. Just don't be afraid to share with others so that they can better understand you!
Thursday, May 31
Who Am I?
Who am I? Well I am a 28 year old mom and wife with an almost 3 year old daughter. Yes I am an aspie (diagnosed with aspergers) and I live a full life anyways!
I am also a crafty person who enjoys making things.
I am a SAHM full time.
I have a great husband, great daughter, great friends and a wonderful life that I can't wait to share!
I am also a crafty person who enjoys making things.
I am a SAHM full time.
I have a great husband, great daughter, great friends and a wonderful life that I can't wait to share!
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